Video List

Videos I love

Documentary on Physicist Richard Feynman titled Fantastic Mr Feynman
Jay Silver TED Talk - Hack a Banana, Make a Keyboard
Jason Silva - 'Here is to the Curious' - Zeitgeist Talk by National Geo Media Artist
Susan Boyle Debut Performance and Audition 
Burning Man - The Documentary
Jesse Schell - Learning is Beautiful through Games 
• Maira Kalman - INK Talk - 'What I choose to illustrate and Why?'
Daniel Christian - The History of our World in 18 Minutes
Paul Graham - Y Combinator and Successful Start Ups
Ken Robinson - Do Schools Kill Creativity
Bill Clinton on Lifelong Learning
Micheal Vsauce Stevens - TEDx Talk on Why Question Everything?
Bill Bryson - Three of the most remarkable things I know
Parmesh Shahani - Making the knowledge journey a limitless one
Archana Prasad - Play with Space 
The Internet's Own Boy - Aaron Schwartz
What Makes a Hero - Mathew Winkler - TED Ed
Plato's Allegory of the Cave - Alex Gendler - TED Ed
7 Things I learned after seven years of reading, writing and living - Maria Popova
Vivek Wadhwa on Why India Shouldn't be Succeeding but is - INK Talk
Dil Chahta Hai - Through the lends of psychoanalysis
• Making of Dil Chahta Hai - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Deb Roy - Big Data for Social Impact - INK Talk

Podcasts I love

Jon Favreau Interview - Movies, Cross Country Trips and Writing

Podcast Channels I Love

• Debbie Millman - Design Matters
• NPR - Ted Radio Hour

Video Channels I Love

• List of Interesting Youtube Channels - Open Culture

  Talks and Videos - General

Ray Kurzweil on the Power of Technology and the Coming Singularity

Seth Godin on Creating Tribes and Becoming a Purple Cow

Gary Vaynerchuck on StoryTelling and the Power of Social Media
1. INBOUND 2012 Keynote - Care Immensely or Die!
2. Advice to NY Creative Interns

Malcolm Gladwell  on Outliers and the Tipping Point
1. At University of Pennslyvania
2. How We Think Without Thinking: On Great Decision Makers
3. New Yorker Talk on Tokens, Pariahs and Pioneers

Daniel Pink on Motivation and A Whole New Mind
1. RSA Talk - Drive: The Surprising Truth Behind What Motivates Us
2. Good Life Project - To Sell is Human
3. The Science of Buoyancy via iqsquared

Blake Mycoskie on Starting Something That Matters
1. The Global Leadership Summit Talk
2. Responsible Capitalism and the Future of Business

Varun Agarwal on Not Thinking and Just Doing 
1. From Failing in Engineering to Cofounding a Million Dollar Company via INK Conference
2. The Story of His Company - Alma Mater via Next Big What #startuproots

Guy Kawasaki on Enchantment and Evangelism
1.Art of the Start
2.SDL Innovate 2013 - The Art of Enchantment

Reid Hoffman on Why Entrepreneurs Will Create the Future? 
1. ECorner - Why Entrepreneurs Will Create the Future

Simon Sinek on Inspired Leaders
1. Why Great Leaders Eat Last at 99U

Tom Peters on Re imagining Business Excellence
1. ReImagine Business Excellence in a Disruptive Age via Rio Interceptor

Philip Zimbardo on the Psychology of Time and our Evil Side
2. The Lucifer Effect – Understanding How Good People Turn Evil

Randy Pausch on Living Every Day Like Your Last
1. The Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams via CarnegieMellonU

Jesse Schell on Gamification, The Pleasure Revolution and the Beauty of Learning
1. Learning is Beautiful - learning without frontiers conference
2. The Pleasure Revolution - Google Tech Talks
3. DICE2010 Talk - Games and Design

P. Sainath on Citizenship, Equality and Contemporary Media
1. Globalizing Inequality
2. IGNOU Lecture - Mass Media, But where are the masses  

Michael Sandel on Justice, Public Philosophy and What Money Can't Buy
1. 12 Part Harvard Lecture Series titled 'Justice: What is the right thing to do?'
2. What Money Can't Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets at JLF 2013
3. TED Talk - The Lost Art of Democratic Debate

Devdutt Pattnaik on Story Telling and the Mythological Structures of Society
1. Business Sutra at the Godrej India Culture Lab
2. Indian Approach to Management at the E-Cell, IIT Bombay
3. India is not Chaotic - Devdutt Pattnaik at TEDX Dais

Peter Diamandis on Exponential Business and Changing the Lives of a Billion People
1. TED 2012 - Abundance is our Future
2. Creative Innovation Summit - From Linear to Exponential Growth
3. Better Together 2015 - On Innovation and the XPrize

Austin Kleon on Writing and Drawing
1. Steal Like an Artist - Chase Jarvis Interview
2. Show Your Work - SXSW Keynote
3. Creative Mornings - A writer who draws
4. Steal Like an Artist - TED Talk

Cal Newport on Study Habits that work and Achieving Excellence
1. Google Talk - So Good They Can't Ignore You
2. 99U Talk - Follow Your Passion is Bad Advice
3. Study 30 Minutes a Day. Get a 4.0 GPA

  Talks on Learning and Education

• John Taylor Gatto on the History of Education and Why it Matters?
1. The Ultimate History Lesson - 5 Hour Conversation
2. The Undergroud History of American Education
3. Beyond Columbine

• Shikshantar and Swaraj University on Self Education

1. Renu Dadange - Adventures of Learning in a Faltu University
2. Manish Jain's Youtube Channel
3. Manish Jain on Modern Schooling and the Corporate Agenda
4. Rahul Hasija - What is Learning was possible without degrees 

• Dr Peter Gray on the Importance of Play in Education
1. Conference on Alternatives to Compulsory Education via infospectacle
2. Role of Play in the Development of Social and Emotional Competence via AncestryFoundation
3. Free to Learn via JSFreeSchool

Ken Robinson on Finding your Passion and Reforming Education
4. School of Life Channel – On Passion

• Dan Greenberg on A New Model for Learning
1. What Sudbury Valley is About

•  Diane Ravitch on Teacher Respect and Non - Privitization
1. The Hoax of the Privatization Movement
2. The Death and Life of the Great American Education System

• M Night Shyamlan on 5 Keys to Improve Schools
1. I Got Schooled - Ask With Forum - Harvard Public Lecture 

• World Economic Forum - Higher Education - Investment or Waste?

• Harvard Graduate School of Education - Ask With -  50 Public Lectures 

• Big Think Channel - Global Education and Skills Forum 2014 

• Clinton Global Initiative University - Future of Higher Education - Refining Learning as we Know It 

SXSW Education Conference, USA - You Tube Channel and Website
  1. SXSWedu 2013 - Dale Dougherty (Maker Media) The Magic of Making: Engaging Students As Maker
  2. SXSWedu 2013 - Nikhil Goyal (Youth Author, Speaker) Re-imagining Schools: Changing the Education Paradigm
  3. SXSWedu 2013 - Alan Gerhsenfield (E Line Media) Mind the Gap: Games, Impact, Potential, Reality 
  4. SXSWedu 2013 Keynote - Bill Gates 
  5. SXSWedu 2013 - MOOC Keynote Conversation- Anant Agarwal (Founder - edX) and Andrew Ng (Co- Founder - Coursera)
  6. SXSWedu 2013 Keynote - Asenath Andrews on an Alternative School for Mothers 
  7. Game Dynamics Can Be a Game Changer - SXSWedu 2014 
  8. The Virtual Human Right - SXSWedu 2014 - Jack Andraka
  9. SXSWEdu Lectures and other panel discussions - Videos
WISE Education Summit, Qatar - You Tube Channel and Website
  1. Dr Madhav Chavan's 2012 acceptance speech at WISE Prize.
  2. WISE 2013 Opening Plenary Session: Reinventing Education for Life
  3. 'What if Finland's Great Teachers Taught in Your Schools?' - Pasi Sahlberg - WISE 2013 Focus
  4. Truth About Education Data - Hans Rosling - WISE 2013 Focus  
  5. WISE 2013 Special Address: Leading Change in Quality and Equity - The Australian Experience 
  6. WISE Keynotes from 2009 - 2014 and Learning Channel Videos 
Global Education and Skills Conference - You Tube Channel and Website
  1.  GESF 2014 Meet the Mentor: Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, BRAC  
  2.  GESF 2014 Meet the Mentor: Anant Agarwal, edX
  3.  GESF 2014: Gala Dinner (Geoffey Canada, President Clinton, Fareed Zakaria)  
  4.  GESF 2014 Panel Discussion: Focus on China  
  5.  GESF Keynotes and other panel discussions - Videos
BETT Educational Technology Conference, UK - YouTube Channel and Website
  1. The Future of Learning - Sugata Mitra
  2. Global voices in education technology: Shimon Schocken, IDC Herzliya  
  3. Global voices in education technology: Daphne Koller, Coursera 
  4. BETT Lectures and Videos
Education Innovation Summit, Arizona State University, USA -
You Tube Channel - Videos on Innovations and Start Ups related to Education
Excellence in Action National Summit on Education Reform, Boston, USA -
You Tube Channel with Keynotes and Panel Discussions

University Education Channels
  1. Institute of Education, University of London
  2. Harvard University
  3. University of Melbourne, Graduate School of Education


Video List Resources 
 Top Documentary
100 Lectures from World's Top Scientists
List of Movies available online (675 Movies) @OpenCulure
List of Documentaries available online @TopDocumentaryFilms 

Lecture Channels

• Big Think - FU Sessions 
• Book TV
Spoken Verse 


New Scientist
The Periodic Table of Videos

Short Videos

 Crash Course

Biographical Videos, Interviews, Commencement Speeches

My Top Films

Man on Wire
Forrest Gump
Searching for Sugarman
Les Miserables
Dil Chahta Hai
Bajirao Mastani
Little Miss Sunshine
Great Debators
Dead Poets Society


Good Will Hunting
The Terminal
Les Miserables
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Beasts of the Southernly Wild
Little Miss Sunshine
Great Debators
Midnight’s Children
The Help
A Beautiful Mind
Ship of Theseus
The Artist
Life of Pi
My Fair Lady
The Sound of Music
The GodFather
Star Wars Series
Annie Hall
Mona Lisa Smile
Chariots of Fire
Shakespeare in Love
The English Patient
Jerry Maguire
Saving Private Ryan
Life is Beautiful
The Aviator
War Horse
Panther Panchali – Satyajit Ray


Man on Wire
Searching for Sugarman
The Power Principle
Malcolm X
Berkeley in the Sixties
Born into Brothels – Ross Kaufman and Zana Briski
Super Size Me – Morgan Spurlock
Food Inc
Richard Dawkins on Darwin (3 part series)
An Inconvenient Truth  - Davis Guggenheim
The Cove – Louie Psihoyas and Fisher Stevens
Food, Inc – Robert Kenner and Elise Pearlstein
The Invisible War – Kierby Dick and Amr Ziering
Hoop Dreams
Fahrenheit 9/11 – Michael Moore
Undefeated – TJ Martin, Dan Lindsay and Richard Middlemas
Exit Through the Gift Shop – Banksy and Jaimie D’Cruz
Encounters at the End of the World – Werner Herzog and Henry Kaiser
Mandela (1996)
Undefeated – TJ Martin, DJ Lindsay and Richard Middlemas

Documentary Series

The Genius of Charles Darwin – 3 Part Series
BBC Planet Earth – 10 Part Series
Carl Sagan – 13 Part Series

Online Courses Resources


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