Friday, April 10, 2020

Learning Dispatch - April 10th, 2020 - Learning through Infographics


Why the dispatch? - I want to understand how I can make my learning more social. I love having interesting conversations with friends and colleagues about the new things I learned. So these dispatches are part of an effort to get those conversations started. I decided to send my first dispatch to a bunch of my closest friends, mentors, and colleagues. Basically this periodic mailer/letter/email is just a small update about films, books, articles, music, podcasts I have consumed during the week or month that I want to personally share with you, the reader of this series. If you decide to take up any of these recommendations, that would be awesome. In a small way, I would have made your life a tiny bit better. And that is all I ask in return for writing this dispatch. No commitment! Just learning! All fun :) 

Why am I sending this email to you? Because you matter to me and I know this is something that will add some value to your life based on my conversations with you in the past. 
Thursday, February 13, 2020

Learning Dispatch - February 14th, 2020 - Why I love Podcasts?


Why the dispatch? - I want to understand how I can make my learning more social. I love having interesting conversations with friends and colleagues about the new things I learned. So these dispatches are part of an effort to get those conversations started. I decided to send my first dispatch to a bunch of my closest friends, mentors, and colleagues. Basically this periodic mailer/letter/email is just a small update about films, books, articles, music, podcasts I have consumed during the week or month that I want to personally share with you, the reader of this series. If you decide to take up any of these recommendations, that would be awesome. In a small way, I would have made your life a tiny bit better. And that is all I ask in return for writing this dispatch. No commitment! Just learning! All fun :) 

Why am I sending this email to you? Because you matter to me and I know this is something that will add some value to your life based on my conversations with you in the past. 

Why I love podcasts?
I've been a big fan of Podcasts for a very long time. I use public transport a lot and that means I have a lot of free time there. I am unable to read on buses as it gets me sick. So I listen to podcasts. It is also a really fun companion when you go for a walk or do some exercise. Another time I enjoy listening to podcasts is while doing chores. It is fun, flexible and great company. It is hard to not love a good podcast. So podcast away...

My favorite podcasts
Here is a list of my ten favorite podcasts with a one-line review:
  1. Seen and Unseen by Amit Varma - interviews and in-depth analysis on local and global issues from an economic perspective
  2. How I Built This by Guy Raz - the backstory behind every entrepreneurial journey
  3. Cyrus Says by Cyrus Broacha - great interviews with great humor
  4. Cult of Pedagogy by Jennifer Gonzalez - all things teaching
  5. Truth for Teachers by Angela Watson - all things for teachers
  6. Longform by Aaron Lammer, Max Linsky and Evan Ratliff - the story behind non-fiction stories
  7. Google Talks - 40 minutes talk on cool ideas by cool people
  8. TED Talks - 20 minutes talk on cool ideas by cool people
  9. 1619 by Nikole Hannah-Jones  - understand everything about the legacy of slavery in the United States
  10. The Guardian Long Read - an audio reading of the long-form articles
14th February 2020

Learning Dispatch - January 20th, 2020 - Films, Podcast and Youtube Channels


Why the dispatch? - I want to understand how I can make my learning more social. I love having interesting conversations with friends and colleagues about the new things I learned. So these dispatches are part of an effort to get those conversations started. I decided to send my first dispatch to a bunch of my closest friends, mentors, and colleagues. Basically this periodic mailer/letter/email is just a small update about films, books, articles, music, podcasts I have consumed during the week or month that I want to personally share with you, the reader of this series. If you decide to take up any of these recommendations, that would be awesome. In a small way, I would have made your life a tiny bit better. And that is all I ask in return for writing this dispatch. No commitment! Just learning! All fun :) 

Why am I sending this email to you? Because you matter to me and I know this is something that will add some value to your life based on my conversations with you in the past. 

I would like to recommend the film Bavra Mann by the filmmaker Jaideep Verma. It is a documentary film on Sudhir Mishra. It is beautiful because it shows you the highs and lows of being an artist. There are days where everything just falls in place and then there are years when nothing seems to work. In the middle of all of this is the artist trying to come to terms with his life. It is a conversation more than a film. It is a conversation with a filmmaker talking about his life and what he wants his life to be. 

Longform Podcast is a weekly conversation with a non-fiction writer about how they tell stories. The interviews are insightful. It tells you the stories behind books and the stories behind the ideas in those books. I highly recommend the episodes with Malcolm Gladwell (Columnist and Podcaster), Jerry Saltz (Art Critic at the New York) and Parul Sehgal (Book Critic at the New York Times). 

Youtube Channel
I found this really interesting film recommendation YouTube channel called, 'Chalchitra Talks'. Every week you can find three new film recommendations by Vaibhav Munjal. I found a lot of great recommendations over the last few weeks on this channel. I highly recommend it. Check out these guest episodes by Dhruv Sehgal and Sayani Gupta

P.S - If you want to unsubscribe to this email series, just send me a reply and I will remove your name from the list. No hard feelings. I get a lot of spam and this can easily fall under that category. 

20 January 2020