dream, discover, explore, think, understand, innovate, create, empower, inspire, reflect, appreciate, achieve, balance and most importantly love and love for no reason at all...

1) Zen Habits
Written by Leo Babuata. Leo writes about simplicity, living healthy, productivity, improved family life, living in the moment and facing challenges the Zen Way. I love this blog for its simple layout and very useful content.
2) Derek Sivers
Written by Derek Sivers. Derek is a musician, TED Speaker and founder of an online CD Store for independent musicians called CD Baby. His blog posts are insightful. He writes about his life experiences and lessons, amazing life stories, creation, innovation and finding yourself. He also has a detailed 'Book Notes' section with a summary of the last 150 books he has read. This is a must read.
3) Seth's Blog
Written by Seth Godin. Considered the No.1 Marketing Guru in the world by many. Seth is an entrepreneur, marketer, speaker, published author of 11 books and new thought expert. He writes about creating world changing ideas, standing out, starting a movement, creating a tribe, managing change and understanding world trends. His 11 books and many videos available online also must be consumed because it is information worth gold and it will help shape your perspective on a fast changing world.
4) Robin Sharma's Blog
I attended Robin's Lead Without a Title Seminar in 2009.Ever since I have been a fan of his work. He writes about leadership, productivity, innovation, goal setting, creating good habits and more. A variety of free resources available on his website as well.
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