Love…this four letter word brings about an emotion…a feeling
like no other. Today let us understand why Love can indeed change the world.
The Last 5 seconds of your life
I saw this wonderful commencement speech by the writer Neil
Gaiman recently. At the end of the talk Neil puts forward a scenario that made
think about why I don’t love more?
“Imagine you are 80 years old and on your Death Bed. It is the last 5 seconds of your life and then you tell yourself this, ‘I should have told my parents I loved them more?’
“Imagine you are 80 years old and on your Death Bed. It is the last 5 seconds of your life and then you tell yourself this, ‘I should have told my parents I loved them more?’
When Neil made that statement, I was struck by something. It
was a thought that disturbed me. What if I came to the
end of my life and could never tell the people that meant the world to me, that
I loved them. What if I came to that moment and had any life regrets.
Somebody had put forward another scenario in front of me.
Imagine you were told that a bomb was
going to wipe out the entire human species and you had just 5 seconds to live……
Not one, I repeat and I believe that not even one person
will want to call their stock brocker or business client in this moment. All
the phone booths and mobile phones will be busy with people calling their loved
ones telling them how much they love them and why they mean the world to them.
One World and An Extra – Terrestial Visit
What if an Extra – Terrestial Being visited our planet? This Extra-Terrestial being will see Planet Earth as a whole. When it looks at the human species, it will be confused. It will not understand why there are differences between the human beings that share the planet like
- Different Countries
- Different Cultures
- Different Religions
- Different Clothes
- Different Food
- Different Rituals
Why must you Limit your Love
If an extra-terrestrial being can see no difference than why
must we? Why must me limit our love only
to our families, or only to the people in our communities or neighborhoods.
Aren’t we one species? Aren’t we all part of the Same
People like Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma
Gandhi, Nelson Mandela understood this concept of ONENESS.
Some of us maybe engineers, some artists, some sportspeople
and some just students. But we are all working towards the same goal…to be
Happy…to be Loved for who we truly are…
As Mother Teresa once said, "The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread." Let us play our part to remove this hunger.
Love Today
So love today, not because of small differences we think we
have. But because of all the things the human species has in common.
Don’t just love the people in your family or community. But
love every person from every country on this planet. Don’t just limit your love
to humans…But love nature and the plants and animals that live and strive in
it. Do not find a reason to love, but love without judgment. Love without any condition.
And when an extra-terrestrial being looks at our planet from
the stars let it take home this
understanding of the human species, an understanding wonderfully put forward in
the words of Ken Robinson,
“Human beings were born of risen apes, not
fallen angels. And so what shall we wonder at? Our massacres, our missiles, or
our symphonies? The miracle of human kind is not how far we have
sunk but how magnificently we have risen. We will be known among the stars not
by our corpses, but by our poems.”
So will be know by our ability to destruct or by our ability to create the world again with love.That is the question to ask. And from this new Definition of Love … let us hope a new
planet arises and when the time of judgment… comes the human species will be
known not by its ability to destruct, but by its ability to love and…. to love
Let us Learn Together
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