Monday, December 30, 2019

Learning Dispatch - December 30th, 2019 - End of Year Learning Review


Why the dispatch? - I want to understand how I can make my learning more social. I love having interesting conversations with friends and colleagues about the new things I learned. So these dispatches are part of an effort to get those conversations started. I decided to send my first dispatch to a bunch of my closest friends, mentors, and colleagues. Basically this periodic mailer/letter/email is just a small update about films, books, articles, music, podcasts I have consumed during the week or month that I want to personally share with you, the reader of this series. If you decide to take up any of these recommendations, that would be awesome. In a small way, I would have made your life a tiny bit better. And that is all I ask in return for writing this dispatch. No commitment! Just learning! All fun :) 

Why am I sending this email to you? Because you matter to me and I know this is something that will add some value to your life based on my conversations with you in the past. 

Documentation of Learning

Every year I create a digital document where I record the names of all the books, films, videos and podcasts I consume through the year. It is a practice that I regularly followed for the last five years. At the start of the year, I set a target and push myself to accomplish it by the end of the year. In 2019 my target was to read 50 books and watch 500 hours of video. I was able to complete 42 books and 420 hours of video this past year. The reason I document my learning is that it allows me to make correlations between things I am learning about throughout the year. It also allows me to keep track of the kind of material I consume during the year. I try my best to expose myself to a large variety of material both in terms of depth and breadth. 

Example of Learning Document

As you can see, I use the free note-taking application Evernote, but you can use any digital documentation software you prefer. 

Screenshot_20191230-113238.jpg  Screenshot_20191230-122652.jpg

What did I read this year?

The Romanovs by Simon Sebag Montefiore 
Coming Back to Me by Marcus Trescothick
Aurangzeb: The Man and The Myth by Audrey Trushcke

What did I see this year?

What They Had by Elizabeth Chomko (Film)
Cake the Film by Asim Abbasi (Film)
The Last Czars by Netflix (TV)
Salam by Anand Kamalakar (Film)
Malaal by Mehreen Jabbar (TV)
Made in Heaven by Zoya Akhtar and Reema Kagti (TV)
Don’t Wait Till Monday by Anuj Rakyan of Raw Pressery (Presentation)
Knock the House Down by Rachel Lears (Film)
The Sky is Pink by Shonali Bose (Film)

What did I hear this year?

Seen and Unseen by Amit Varma (Podcast)
Cyrus Says by Cyrus Broacha (Podcast)
Cult of Pedagogy by Jennifer Gonzalez (Podcast)
Truth for Teachers by Angela Watson (Podcast)
How I Built This by Guy Raz (Podcast)

P.S - If you want to unsubscribe to this email series, just send me a reply and I will remove your name from the list. No hard feelings. I get a lot of spam and this can easily fall under that category. 

30 December 2019


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